AudienceView Connect
AudienceView Documentation

Handling Customer Orders

AudienceView enables you to create orders for tickets, gift certificates, gift cards, donations, bundles and other transactions.

An order contains the following basic elements:

  • One or more items for purchase or donation
  • Customer information (unless you are using Quick Sale or performing anonymous sales)
  • Payment information (unless you have permission to save orders that are unpaid)

You can add tickets to an order using either of the following methods:

  • Find the desired performance and seats by creating an order then associating that order with a new or existing customer.
  • Create a new customer or access an existing customer, then create an order using the Customer Services application Order|Summary page.

You can create orders using several different operational flows. How you choose to create an order might depend upon personal preference, your organization’s rules or individual client service situations.

For example, you might choose to:

  • Search for a performance, select seats and add them to an order.
  • Select/create and add the customer to the order first, then select and add seats.
  • Add a gift certificate to a new or existing order.
  • Add a payment to an unpaid order.

For orders that contain donations, AudienceView requires that the customer be added to the order.

An order is not considered an actual order until it has been created and assigned an order number.

To cancel an unsaved order at any point during order creation, click 'New Order' (available on most Customer and Order pages). This cancels the current order and brings up a new (blank) order.

Regardless of the order of operations that you use, the basic functions remain the same and are described in this guide. The following section discusses all aspects of functionality available to select performances, seats and other operations to create and fulfill orders as a ticket seller.

Order Type Functions

This section details the functionality available in the Customer Services application as they apply to the Order pages. For more information on the Customer Services page structure, refer to Customer Services - Customers.