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Donor Biography Report

The Donor Biography report displays a complete donor history for a customer including donor activity, memberships, donation transactional history, bundles and contact history. You can access the report through Business Intelligence and Reports application Generated Reports|Reports page or by clicking the 'Donor Biography' button on the Customer Services application Customer|Basic page. 

Donor Biography Report Criteria

The following table describes this report's criteria:

Criteria Description
From Customer Number Enables you to specify the first customer in the range of customers whose donation information you would like to display in the report.
To Customer Number Enables you to specify the last customer in the range of customers whose donation information you would like to display in the report.
If you do not specify a value, the report will return only the customer specified in the 'From Customer Number' field.
Customer State Enables you to filter the report based on the state of the customer account:
  • Active: The customer account can be modified and added to orders. By default, a newly created customer account has an Active state.
  • Suspended: The customer account is read-only and cannot be added to an order.
  • Closed: The customer account is read-only and cannot be added to an order.

Donor Biography Report Output

The following image illustrates a sample report.

The following table describes the report output:

Column Description
Customer Name/Information This section displays the customer's name and basic contact information, (e.g. address, postal code, phone number).
Donor Activity This section displays the customer's donor activity/history.
Memberships This section displays the customer's past and existing memberships, if any.
Transaction History This section displays the customer's donational transaction history.
Bundle Information This section displays the customer's bundle information.
Contact History This section displays a list of the customer's contacts.