The Order Detail by User Role report displays all of the orders and payments for a range of performances, roles and users for a range of order creation dates. Order Detail by User Role reports on orders with under/over payments as well as selected order marketing data. It will also itemize each individual order if 'Show Detail' is selected.
Orders that do not contain admissions are not displayed in this report. |
Use this report for end-of-week settlement to determine what orders were processed over time. This is also an effective troubleshooting tool to determine which orders are unbalanced as a result of sales for a particular range of dates or price types.
Order Detail by User Role Report Criteria
The following table describes this report’s criteria:
Criteria |
Description |
Series |
Specifies one or more series to include in the report.
Enter the series name or click to search for the series. For more information, refer to The Find Series Dialog Box. |
Performance Code |
Enables you to filter the report by a specific performance.
Enter the performance code or click to search for the performance. For more information, refer to The Find Performances Dialog Box. |
Order Date Format |
Specifies the date to use for the report:
Date Range
Previous 7 Days – This does not include today.
This is the date that the order was created.
Orders From |
If you are entering a date range, this is the date from which data will be included in the report. This field is enabled for you to enter the time (hh:mm:ss). If you do not enter the time, 00:00:00 is assumed. If you want to the include data from the entire day of the date you select, set the time to 00:00:00.
Any value entered into this field will only apply if Date Range is used.
Enter a date or relative date into the field or click or to select the date or relative date.
For more information, refer to Using a Calendar to Add a Date and Using Relative Dates and Times.
The calendar dialog is only enabled to allow you to select the hour and minutes. Once you apply the time selection, you should modify the time to reflect the seconds. |
Orders To |
If you are entering a date range, this is the date to which data will be included in the report. This field is enabled for you to enter the time (hh:mm:ss). If you do not enter the time, 00:00:00 is assumed. If you want to the include data from the entire day of the date you select, set the time to 23:59:59.
Any value entered into this field will only apply if Date Range is used.
Enter a date or relative date into the field or click or to select the date or relative date.
For more information, refer to Using a Calendar to Add a Date and Using Relative Dates and Times.
The calendar dialog is only enabled to allow you to select the hour and minutes. Once you apply the time selection, you should modify the time to reflect the seconds. |
Amount Due |
Enables you to filter for those orders equal to, greater than, or less than the value entered. |
Amount Due Value |
Enables you to filter orders by the total outstanding payment amount. |
Show Detail? |
Enables you to view orders by user role and itemized by user, additional details about the order are also included such as the contact name, and order number. Otherwise, totals are provided by user role. |
Advanced Section
The following criteria is available in the advanced section:
Criteria |
Description |
Performance From |
Enables you to filter for those performances that occur on or after the date entered.
The application will ignore your entry if you do not enter a value for 'Performances To' date.
Enter a date or relative date into the field or click or to select the date or relative date.
For more information, refer to Using a Calendar to Add a Date and Using Relative Dates and Times. |
Performance To |
Enables you to filter for those performances that occur on or before the date entered.
The application will ignore your entry if you do not enter a value for 'Performances From' date.
Enter a date or relative date into the field or click or to select the date or relative date.
For more information, refer to Using a Calendar to Add a Date and Using Relative Dates and Times. |
Price Type |
Enables you to filter for those orders that contain the selected price type(s). |
User Name |
Enables you to filter by the selected users. Only tickets sold by the selected users will appear in the report.
Enter the user name or click to search for the user(s). For more information on searching for a user, refer to The Find Users Dialog Box.
This is the user who created the order. |
User Role |
Enables you to filter by the selected user roles.
This is the user who created the order.
To select more than one user role, hold CTRL or SHIFT while making your selections. |
User Role Group |
Enables you to filter by the selected user role groups.
This is the user who last updated the order.
To select more than one user role group, hold CTRL or SHIFT while making your selections. |
Order Marketing Data Section
The following criteria is available in the order marketing data section:
Criteria |
Description |
Order Marketing Data |
Enables you to filter the report by the specified order marketing data. Order marketing data is collected when the user created the order.
Select the data that you want to use 'Order Data Option' dropdown list. Once selected, you must enter the exact value for the marketing data in the associated 'Order Data Option' field. If you do not enter a value, AudienceView will ignore the selected marketing data. If the data field has an associated list (e.g. a list of available options), you must enter the Key for the list option that you want to use, not the label as it is seen by users. You can find the key in the General Configuration application Lists pages.
If when selecting a marketing data field, you see “data1” or “data2” as options rather than the labels that you use for collecting marketing data, speak to your system administrator to update the application to reflect the actual labels. |
Order Detail by User Role Report Output
The following image illustrates sample reports.

Order Detail by User Role Results (With Details)
The following table describes the report’s output:
Column |
Description |
User Role Name |
The user role associated with the order. |
Order Contact |
The customer or contact name associated with the order, if any.
This only applies to the detailed report. |
Ticket Count |
If you are viewing the detailed report, this column shows the number of admissions on the order. Otherwise, this is the total number of sold across all orders by the user role. |
NET Ticket Value |
The net value of the admissions excluding service charges and taxes.
For detailed reports, this is provided per order. Otherwise, this is the total net value across all orders sold by the user role. |
Service Charges |
A sum of all service charges, both order level service charges and admission level service charges.
For detailed reports, this is provided per order. Otherwise, this is the total service charges across all orders sold by the user role. |
Order # |
If you are viewing the detailed report, this is the order number. Click the link to view the order details. Otherwise, this shows the number of orders created by the user role.
Links will not function if you email or download the HTML version of the report. |
Created By |
The user associated with the creation of the order.
This only applies to the detailed report. |
Order Total |
The total value of the order including all service charges and taxes. This may not be equal to the Net Ticket Value and Service Charge columns.
For detailed reports, this is provided per order. Otherwise, this is the totalled across all orders sold by the user role. |
Amount Paid |
The total amount paid on the order.
For detailed reports, this is provided per order. Otherwise, this is totalled across all orders sold by the user role. |
Amount Due |
Any outstanding balance on the order.
For detailed reports, this is provided per order. Otherwise, this is totalled across all orders sold by the user role. |