This chapter describes AudienceView’s core reports, including a description of each report. Some report descriptions also include a description of the criteria used to run the report and a description of the report’s output.
Your organization may have additional customized reports that are not documented here. For information on a customized report, contact AudienceView Support at for further assistance. |
There are several 'Date Formats' that are used across all of AudienceView's reports. Some of them have different meanings depending on the type of report in which they appear. For more information, refer to Date Formats within AudienceView Reports.
The Configuring Report (AudienceView 6.8.8) and BI (AudienceView 6.8.11) Styles page describes how you can define report and BI styles to suit your needs. Labels within report and BI outputs can be configured using the applicable Registry application Registry::EN::Application::Business Intelligence and Reports::Report Labels node.
Report Terminology
The AudienceView reports can be broken down into two main categories:
- Historical: Historical reports contain 'Date Format' dropdowns that allow you to generate for configurable range of dates. For example, the Ticket Sales report allows you to view the sales for a specified period of time.
- Current State: Current State reports do not allow you to define a date range, but instead always shows the current state. For example, the Performance Popularity report will display how many admissions have been sold to date.
The following outlines some of the terminology that is used with AudienceView's generated reports:
- Sold: Items that are on orders, regarless of whether or not they have been paid for.
- Paid: Items that have been paid for.
- Allocation: The process of applying payments to items on an order.
For more information, refer to the Payment Allocations.
- Partial Allocation: A partial payment on an order is allocated to one or more items on the order in a specific sequence, depending on the allocation strategy being used.
For more information, refer to the Partial Allocation.
- Full Allocation: A partial payment on an order will remain unallocated until the order is fully paid.
For more information, refer to the Full Allocation.
Access Control Reports
The following reports can be used to report on ticket usage as updated by AudienceView’s Access Control:
- Real Time Access Control Report
The Real Time Access Control report displays the number of tickets scanned for a range of events, users, sections, gates, rows and dates. Totals are displayed for those tickets scanned in, out, and re-entered as well as for scanning failures. The resulting output can be displayed with or without detail.
- Scanned Tickets By Hour Report
The Scanned Tickets by Hour report displays, for a range of events and specific date, the number of tickets scanned and mark description. The report groups results by mark description and by the selected time interval (either by the hour or 15-minute intervals).
- Scanning Failures Report
The Scanning Failures report displays the number of failed ticket scans, the location those failed scans occurred, and the nature of the failure.
The Ticket Usage report also reports on used tickets. For more information, refer to Ticket Usage Report.
Accounting Reports
Dashboard Reports
- Daily Sales Dashboard Report
The Daily Sales dashboard compares two distinct days of paid income. It displays total income, income per role, total number of orders and the average order value. Income by hour is plotted on a line graph using the same date range comparison. It also displays the top ten promotions resulting in paid admission income sorted by value or count, and the top ten email messages resulting in paid income sorted by total order value.
- Fundraising Dashboard Report
The Fundraising dashboard displays the number of donors and the total pledged amount for the current fiscal year, the current calendar year and the current week (Sunday to Saturday). It displays the number of new donors this week and the current value of all unpaid pledges. It charts the total pledge amount, the opportunity amount and the goal amount for appeals or funds. It also displays the largest pledges, new donations, donors attending events and donors without correspondence over specified date periods.
- Notes Dashboard Report
The Notes dashboard displays the due and overdue notes that have been created by or are owned by the current user.
- Ticket Sales Dashboard Report
The Ticket Sales dashboard displays the total sold amount and count, the total paid amount and count, the total unpaid amount and count, the average price ticket price, the total sold count as a percentage of the capacity, the total number of unaccepted offers and the total number of comps for a given series.
Donations Reports
- Donation By Sales Date Report
The Donation By Sales Date report displays pledge amounts, allocated donation amounts, and unpaid donations for a specified date range for selected campaigns, programs or appeals. Results are grouped by month, week or day.
- Donor Biography Report
The Donor Biography report displays a complete donor history for a customer including donor activity, memberships, donation transactional history, bundles and contact history.
- Donation Detail Summary Report
The Donation Detail Summary report displays pledge information by program, campaign, and appeal including pledge amounts and outstanding pledges. This report has a detailed view which enables you to view pledge information itemized by order.
- Funds Detail Report
The Funds Detail report summarizes the pledges made to selected funds and provides a detailed list of pledges and orders that contribute to each fund.
- Opportunities and Goals Report
The Opportunities and Goals report displays pledge amounts and counts; goal amounts, counts, and expenses; and opportunity amounts and counts, for a specified date range for the selected funds, and appeals.
Marketing Reports
- Call Over Report
The Call Over report lists the details for all of the customers who have tickets on order for a specified event.
- Customer Biography Report
The Customer Biography report displays a summary of the purchasing history for a customer account
- Email Marketing Report
The Email Marketing report displays metrics for an email marketing campaign either defined by appeal or message.
- Front of House Report
The Front of House report displays details about sales, and specific customers and order for a specified event.
- Order Marketing Data Report
The Order Marketing Data report details order information by marketing data for a given range of performances, roles and order creation dates. It breaks out orders purchased across different order marketing data values.
- Question Response Summary Report
The Question Response Summary report shows all questions and their responses by series and event. You can run this report for specific venues, series, event date range and/or events.
- Ticket Usage Report
The Ticket Usage report displays the total number of tickets bought or assigned, printed and used by series. It also provides a use percentage by customer.
Miscellaneous Items Reports
- Miscellaneous Items Report
The Miscellaneous Items report displays the net value of miscellaneous items (both sold and paid). You can use this report to view additional details about the sales of miscellaneous items.
Pricing Reports
Sales Reports
- Admission Release Summary Report
The Admission Release Summary report displays orders, number of seats, and value of the seats released by role and user for a range of performances, roles, users and release dates.
- Admissions by Delivery Method Report
The Admissions by Delivery Method report provides the total the number of tickets per delivery method, for the selected series or performance over a particular sales date range. You can use this report to assess ticket mailings or estimate printing.
- Agent Event Sales Report Available as of AudienceView 6.8.19
The Agent Event Sales report displays the ticket sales and charges by agent, based on the orders to which the selected agents are attached.
- Allocated Admission Detail Report
The Allocated Admission Detail report displays the payment allocation of allocated and de-allocated orders for a given allocation date range by admission. The report displays details about the order, the admission and the payment allocations
- Bundle Performance Requests Report
The Bundle Performance Requests report displays information about bundle and performance requests over a range of request dates, performances, price zones, and request states for a range of users.
- Bundle Sales Report
The Bundle Sales report displays the number of bundles, gross totals, total bundle charges and taxes, amount paid and amount due on owing orders by bundle name, group, or description.
- Comp Admission Details Report
The Comp Admission Details report displays all orders that contain complimentary admissions (comps). A complimentary admission is any admission sold with a zero total value. This report displays the order number, contact, number of complimentary admission and non-complimentary admissions on the order and the order value, over a range of series, performances, roles and dates.
- Event Availability by Price Zone and Hold Report Available as of AudienceView 6.8.12
The Event Availability by Price Zone and Hold report is used for general admission festivals. It details the state of all of the events at the festival across all venues and series at any given time by event, paid, comp, available and held tickets by hold type and monetary value.
- Gift Certificate and Gift Card Transactions Report
The Gift Certificate/Card Transactions report displays gift certificate and gift card transactions performed within a particular date range.
- Gift Certificates and Gift Cards by Role Report
The Gift Certificates and Gift Cards by Role report displays gift certificate/card values and expiry dates for a range of sales dates and user roles.
- Held Tickets by Hold Type Report
The Held Tickets by Hold Type report displays the number and value of seats assigned to a hold type by price zone for a range of performances.
- Holds for Performance Report
The new Holds per Performance report outputs the number of holds by type, the number of holds sold and the number of holds available for a specific performance.
- Hold Type Range Report
The Hold Type Range Report lists seats on a particular hold or holds in a range format, breaking them out by seat section. Users are able to request that the report contain either sold, unsold or sold and unsold held seats.
- Hourly Ticket Sales Report
The Hourly Ticket Sales report displays the number of tickets sold by the hour by price type. You can filter the report by the venue, series, performance, and/or sales information (user, role and date of sale).
- Movement Report
The Movement report provides information pertaining to paid and unpaid admissions within a particular time-frame.
- Offer Status Report
The Offer Status report provides a snapshot of the total offers and metrics relating to the success of these offers.
- Order Detail by User Role Report
The Order Detail by User Role report displays all of the orders and payments for a range of performances, roles and users for a range of order creation dates. Order Detail by User Role reports on orders with under/over payments as well as selected order marketing data.
- Orders Paid by Date Report
The Orders Paid by Date report displays information on fully allocated orders as of a specified date including information from three selected order marketing data fields.
- Performance Audit Report
Report Type: Current State
The Performance Audit report displays the ticket and bundle sales for today and total sales to date for a single performance or range of performances. This report also provides a summary of unsold tickets and the seating capacity.
- Performance Availability Report
The Performance Availability report displays counts and values for open, held, sold, unpaid and complimentary seats by price zone for selected performances within a given series.
- Performance Payment Distribution Report
The Performance Payment Distribution report displays pro-rated admission sales per price type based on total sales per payment method type for each user role.
- Performance Popularity Report
The Performance Popularity report displays the admissions sold (allocated and unallocated), the net value of sold admissions (excluding taxes and service charges), and the percentage of the total capacity sold for a selected series.
- Performance Sales by Price Report
The Performance Sales by Price report displays the net value of sold or paid admission and optionally charges, as well as total amount by price zone and price type.
- Performance Settlement Report
The Performance Settlement report displays the current ticket sales, performance service charges, and taxes for one or more performances by price type and price zone. This report also details unsold tickets and their projected value.
- Sales Staff Analysis Report
The Sales Staff Analysis report details the number and value of orders sold for a range of performances, roles, users and sales dates.
- Ticket Sales Report
The Ticket Sales by Performance report displays sales, returns, and price changes for a range of performances, roles and sales dates. You can choose whether to display net values (excluding taxes and charges) and/or total values (including taxes and charges).
- Ticket Sales by Performance Report
The Ticket Sales by Price Type and Price Zone report displays the number and net value (excluding taxes and charges) of seats sold over a selected series and performance date range by price type and price zone. If you do not filter by an performance date range, the report provides a summary of the sales across all performances in the series and then breaks down the sales by performance.
- Ticket Sales by Price Type and Price Zone Report
The Ticket Sales report displays the number and value of seats sold, returned, and changed by role for a range of performances, roles and sales dates. You can choose whether to display net values (excluding taxes and service charges) or total values (including taxes and service charges).
- Wrap Report
The Wrap Report provides information pertaining to performance sales within a particular time-frame.
Security Reports
- Security by Group Report
The Security by Group report enables you to display the permissions, attributes, and content settings for one or more groups and the users which are assigned to the group.
- Security by User Report
The Security by User report displays the permissions, attributes, and content pages accessible by the selected user and the groups to which the user is assigned. Use this report to view and help proof user security settings.
Service Charge Reports
- Charges Report
The Charges report displays the net value of event, bundle and delivery method service charges (both sold and paid). You can use this report to view additional details about service charges.
Technical Reports
- Booking Protect Report (Available as of AudienceView 6.8.8)
The Booking Protect report is for use exclusively with the Booking Protect product.
The Booking Protect report presents order level information for sold orders containing the selected charge(s) for the selected dates. If a customer is on the order, the report will display the order contact's first and last names.
- Credit Debit Card Payment Reconciliation Report
The Credit Card Payment Reconciliation report is used to troubleshoot issues related to processing of credit and debit cards.
- Duplicate Account Summary Report
The Duplicate Account Summary report displays a list of possible duplicate accounts based on specified matching criteria.
- Fortress Ticket Reconciliation Report
The Fortress Ticket Reconciliation report displays a list of all tickets and passes printed for a specific event and on which medium they were printed.
- Order Reconciliation Report (Available as of AudienceView 6.8.7)
The Order Reconciliation report displays all of the incomplete orders in the system.
- Seat History Report
The Seat History report is directly tied into the Customer Services application Events|Seat Map page.
- Tickets Printed Report
The Printed Order Summary Detail report provides information about ticket printing over a range of order creation and print dates.
- Venue Proof Report
The Venue Proof report displays a seat count by Section and Row for a selected venue. This report may also be used to locate any/all duplicate seats that may have accidentally been created.