AudienceView Connect
AudienceView Documentation

Ticket Sales by Price Type and Price Zone Report

The Ticket Sales by Price Type and Price Zone report displays the number and net value (excluding taxes and charges) of seats sold over a selected series and performance date range by price type and price zone. If you do not filter by a performance date range, the report provides a summary of the sales across all performances in the series and then breaks down the sales by performance.

Use this report on an as needed basis to determine overall sales for a particular series. Since the report details sales and revenue by performance, it can also be used as part of a daily sales report.

Ticket Sales by Price Type and Price Zone Report Criteria

The following table describes this report’s criteria:

Criteria Description
Venue Enables you to filter the report by one or more venue selections.
To select more than one venue, hold CTRL or SHIFT while making your selections.
User Role Enables you to filter by the selected user roles.
This is the user who last updated the order.
To select more than one user role, hold CTRL or SHIFT while making your selections.
Series Enables you to filter the report by the selected series.
Enter the series name or click to search for the series. For more information, refer to The Find Series Dialog Box.
Performance Date Format Enables you to filter the report by:
  • Advanced Sales: Filters for allocated tickets for performances that occur after today’s date.
  • Past Sales: Filters for allocated tickets for performances that have occurred on or before today’s date.
  • Performance Range: Filters for performances occurring between the date range entered in the 'From Performance' and 'To Performance' fields.
Performances From Enables you to filter for those performances that occur on or after the date entered.
The application will ignore your entry if you do not enter a value for 'Performances To' date.
Enter a date or relative date into the field or click or to select the date or relative date.
For more information, refer to Using the Calendar to Select a Date and Using Relative Dates and Times.
Performances To Enables you to filter for those performances that occur on or before the date entered.
The application will ignore your entry if you do not enter a value for 'Performances From' date.
Enter a date or relative date into the field or click or to select the date or relative date.
For more information, refer to Using the Calendar to Select a Date and Using Relative Dates and Times.
Performance Code Enables you to filter the report by a specific performance.
Enter the performance code or click to search for the performance. For more information, refer to The Find Performances Dialog Box.
Report on Opens or Holds Enables you to filter the report by:
  • Open Seats and Holds:
    • If no options are selected from the 'Hold Types' field, open seats and all holds will be returned within the reports results.
    • If options are selected from the 'Hold Types' field and Exclude Holds is selected from the 'Include or Exclude Selected Holds' dropdown, open seats and all holds except the selected holds will be returned within the report's results.
    • If options are selected from the 'Hold Types' field and Include Holds is selected from the 'Include or Exclude Selected Holds' dropdown, open seats and only the selected holds will be returned within the report's results.
  • Open Seats Only: Regardless of the option selected from the 'Include or Exclude Selected Holds' dropdown, or the options selected from the 'Hold Types' field, only open seats will be returned within the report's results.
  • Holds Only:
    • If no options are selected from the 'Hold Types' field, all of the holds (and only holds) will be returned within the report's results.
    • If options are selected from the 'Hold Types' field and Exclude Holds is selected from the 'Include or Exclude Selected Holds' dropdown, all holds except the selected holds will be returned within the report's results.
    • If options are selected from the 'Hold Types' field and Include Holds is selected from the 'Include or Exclude Selected Holds' dropdown, only the selected holds will be returned within the report's results.
Include or Exclude Selected Holds Enables you to choose whether or not to include the holds selected from the 'Hold Type' field in the report's results:
  • Exclude Selected Holds: Excludes all of the options selected from the 'Hold Type' field from the report's results.
  • Include Selected Holds: Includes only the options selected from the 'Hold Type' field from the report's results.
Hold Type Enables you to filter the report by the selected hold types.
To select more than one hold type, hold CTRL or SHIFT while making your selections.
Report On Enables you to report on:
  • All Admissions
  • Bundle Admissions Only
  • Admissions Only
Group by Enables you to group the reporting data by:
  • Series
  • Series and Performance
  • User Role
  • User Role Group
Group Price Types By Enables you to group the price type reporting data by:
  • Price Type: Provides totals by price type.
  • Price Type Description - Detail: Groups price types by their description and provides totals for each price type and price type description.
  • Price Type Description - No Detail: Provides totals by price type description.
  • Price Type Group - Detail: Groups report data by price type group and provides totals for each price type in the group.
  • Price Type Group - No Detail: Provides totals by price type group.
Display Values Enables you to filter the report by the values that you want to display:
  • Paid: Tickets that have been paid for.
  • Sold: Tickets that are on an order, but have not been paid for (e.g. the customer will pay for the ticket when he/she picks it up at will call).
Display Charge Types Enables you to further expand the pricing breakdown by adding columns based on the selected charge types:
  • Commission
  • Tax
  • Service Charge

    Two other options, User Tax1 and User Tax2, are available. By default they are disabled in the General Configuration application List|Entries page for the Service Charge Types list. To configure these options, they must first be enabled. For information on configuring taxes and charges, refer to Product Configuration Charges.

Ticket Sales by Price Type and Price Zone Report Output

The following image illustrates a sample report.

Ticket Sales by Price Type and Price Zone Results (Grouped by Price Type)

If you did not filter your report by a specific performance, the top part of this report displays sales information across the entire selected series and date range. Each performance is then broken out so you can view the total number of seats sold and the net value of the seats sold (excluding taxes and charges).